Not sayin .... I'll prob have a couple of teams in
haha no its cool, what foo said.
Lots of standing start practise and swap off turns as a team at 80% pace. Run a smaller gear for practice.
Practise at DGV using the correct gear and all the wheels and helmets and stuff.
Team order is really critical. Start with a guy who is steady, not too quick out of the blocks. Practise going off the start and dropping onto each other's wheel. Easiest way to swing off is to just go straight ahead at the end of the back straight, go up high on the bank and turn down quickly. Don't sit up there. Straight up, straight down. Miss the last wheel and you are gooooone.
Strong riders do full lap turns, if you have a weak guy he just does half laps.
Gearing .... We won State Titles last year on 98, and nationals too but I cant remember the gear they used. 96 would be good for most teams. If you've never done one before, maybe 95?
Practice practice. Just swapping turns and staying close to the wheel in front. DGV is steep so you need to practise on it. You swing off and on quicker on the steep banking.
At the finish ...on turn 4 Rider 1 drifts up above the red line, rider 2 drifts up from black to red, and rider 3 comes inside on the black. Rider 4 doesn't count. If a rider blows during the event he needs to scream "Three" at the top of his voice so the other 3 know to swing up and back down faster. If they don't know he's gone, they will drop down a bikelength back and then its race over. You cant make up a bikelength at 50kph out of the draft.