what trike headlight (accessory) mount do you use?

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Re: what trike headlight (accessory) mount do you use?

Postby OldBloke » Sun Jul 27, 2014 11:37 pm

Maybe we should start a Performer thread.

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Re: what trike headlight (accessory) mount do you use?

Postby gudism » Mon Jul 28, 2014 8:31 pm

Sorry I should have clarified my seat. I have the FRP seat, and yes it does creak a bit.

But my issue is with the 2 pins that hold the bottom of the seat to the main frame. On the left side, its fine. However on the right side the pin doesnt cleanly go right through to the other side, ie, it is stopped by the back side of the bracket where the main frame folds. And after a bit of a ride the pin works out the tinyiest amount but enough to make it "rock", but still be well connected. And additionally, this movement creates extra stress on the quick release bracket up the top.

Does my explanation make sense? I'll post a picture. Yes there is a hole in the side of the bracket for the pin to go in, however it won't quite fit in or the little locking nib thing wont pop in. Quite frustrating I might add!

While we are talking performers, 2 questions. Should the chain go over the crossmember where the front wheels attach to the main frame, meaning both top and bottom parts of the chain, or should one go over, one go under?
This pic shows my current set up, as it was when I bought it 2nd hand. I only noticed today on my ride home from work/uni that due to them both being above the boom, it pulls the bottom of the chain off centre.

And also, I know the rule of thumb is the chain should be long enough so as to run on a big crank/big gearset combination......but how much tension should the chain have? Mine seems a little too loose when running on the middle front crank (where I usually ride). I'm wondering if this is my issue I have with when I try to pop into the largest crankset, the chain runs too far (even if the guide is only just allowing the chain to grab the teeth) and onto the right pedal arm.

I wish I was more knowledgeable with the elements of the bicycle, alas I am not, and whilst the local bike mechanic is great as a bike mechanic, I wonder about his ability to get things working right on a recumbent trike.
Last edited by gudism on Mon Jul 28, 2014 8:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: what trike headlight (accessory) mount do you use?

Postby gudism » Mon Jul 28, 2014 8:32 pm

OldBloke wrote:Maybe we should start a Performer thread.
I agree, perhaps we should. Isn't there one already?

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Re: what trike headlight (accessory) mount do you use?

Postby Arakasy » Mon Jul 28, 2014 9:48 pm

Ok... I run the chain guides top and bottom of the outrigger arm.
I have same issue with the front derailer... In another post peeps were saying adjust the front derailer with those two little screws... Should fix that issue. I got my 4th flat today as I was about to play with this... Fail.
... That pin doesn't look like it's seating at all is it ? Sorry mine doesn't look anything like that under the seat.... It's almost like it wants a locking pin ?
Don't Panic
And I don't know
Ride casual... Not to casual
They might snap out it's comfortable !!

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Re: what trike headlight (accessory) mount do you use?

Postby OldBloke » Mon Jul 28, 2014 9:52 pm

But my issue is with the 2 pins that hold the bottom of the seat to the main frame.
The bolts on our trikes appear to be slightly further forward than yours so that the pins go all the way through and don't work their way out. I can see how yours would cause problems. I'm not sure what I could suggest, other than perhaps drilling a slightly larger hole through the left (back) leg so that the little nib (ball) can pop out a bit and hold the pin in place. You would have to be very careful that you didn't drill all the way through.
Should the chain go over the crossmember
I installed ours with both over the cross-member but realised recently that the Trike-X assembly guide shows the bottom of the chain going under the cross-member. Not only does going over the crossmenber pull the chain off centre but also adds a bit of twist to it. I am considering repositioning the bottom chain next maintenance session. I think I will also try moving the position the chain tube attaches to the centre pulley (idler) from the side to underneath the pulley.
the chain should be long enough
The Performer assembly guide recommends that when the chain is on the smallest cogs front and rear the rear derailleur should be nearly horizontal, angled down at what looks like about 10-15 degrees. In other words the derailleur needs to be at enough of an angle that the chain isn't doubling back on itself. Hope that makes sense.

When I was setting up our trikes I found I had to change the angle of the front derailleur just slightly so that the back end of the inner plate was a mm or two closer to the chain than the front. This meant it could push the chain onto the ring but once the chain was lifted up onto the top of the ring the derailleur didn't keep pushing on the chain.

When I started assembling our trikes I found that the Performer assembly guides provided only basic information. I also looked at the assembly guides for Ice Trikes (in the UK) and Catrike (USA). They also had some useful videos. BikeRadar and Park Tools also have some good videos on YouTube. Shimano also have a lot of useful documentation on their site.

I know a lot more now than I did before I started back in February but realise that is a lot more that I don't know. My next challenge will probably be spoke tension.



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Re: what trike headlight (accessory) mount do you use?

Postby gudism » Fri Aug 01, 2014 8:33 pm

Thanks guys for the advice. I'll swap the chain to go over/under the crossmember at next service.
Still not sure re my seat.......some thinking needs to be done.

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