Crests on steep climbs with motorcycles

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Crests on steep climbs with motorcycles

Postby hillsrider99 » Wed Feb 22, 2017 8:55 pm

Hello All

I'm a hills cyclist who rides bitumen and dirt roads. Mostly back roads and tracks. I've been doing this for 15 years in the Adelaide hills and love it. There's lots of cyclists in the hills now days. This is good to see. It certainly puts the hills on the map as a tourist destination, which I think the hills badly needs.

I'm also a motorcyclist, and as a motorcyclist, I want to explain something that some of you do that causes me a problem. When riding up to groups of cyclists, some of you, will look back at me and then spread out to the middle of the road occupying all of the lane. I have no problem with that. I slow down and overtake the group like a car. The problem occurs when this happens on steep roads. If this happens near a crest, this prevents me passing, as I want to avoid crossing onto the opposite lane blind of an oncoming vehicle. So, I have to slow down to your speed. My motorcycle is very tall geared. The minimum speed my bike does (1st gear) without riding the clutch is 25km/h, and up a steep hill I need about 35-50km/h. If I ride my clutch too long, it will burn out. Some of you guys have groups of up to 5km long or more, and I just can't ride like that through steep sections (one group is fine). Also, there's the issue if I do stop, holding a 200kg bike in a steep/cambered section of a road makes me uncomfortable about dropping it. Then there is the issue of getting rear ended by a car when stopped in the middle of the road. I don't know how others feel, but I'm paranoid about this. So, if some of you could keep that in mind: If you are approaching a crest (400 metres or less) on a steep hill, and there is room in your lane to fit a motorcycle that can ride on the line and still be safety 1 metre from you, then let them pass on your lane. (and of course, when there is a planned riding event and the roads are signed/posted, I stay clear of those roads to avoid this situation).

I hope some of you don't take this post the wrong way. I'm a cyclist myself, and have both points of view. Thanks, and enjoy the hills :)

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Re: Crests on steep climbs with motorcycles

Postby Thoglette » Wed Feb 22, 2017 11:26 pm

hillsrider99 wrote:The minimum speed my bike does (1st gear) without riding the clutch is 25km/h, and up a steep hill I need about 35-50km/h. If I ride my clutch too long, it will burn out.
And somehow this is someone else's problem?

Fix your bike's gearing. Or pull over and rest. Or get thee to a race track.

(Yes, Virginia, I've been to the Adelaide hills, I have motorcycle license, and have owned highly strung motorcycles. And used a race track. But I've not ridden an original waterbuffalo up hills - the only old style twos-stroke I can think of over 200kg - but it pulled from 2000 rpm)

oh, "5km" - that's about 1000 to 2000 riders in one pack. I'd like to see that.
Last edited by Thoglette on Wed Feb 22, 2017 11:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Crests on steep climbs with motorcycles

Postby RonK » Wed Feb 22, 2017 11:37 pm

I'm both cyclist and a mototcyclist. Somehow I don't think you really are.
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Re: Crests on steep climbs with motorcycles

Postby chriso_29er » Wed Feb 22, 2017 11:44 pm

I'm a cyclist , motorcyclist and driver.
While riding my bike I do everying possible to assist traffic to pass me while keeping myself safe.
I dont see a problem with that.
Good on you hillsrider, I would let you through mate.

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Re: Crests on steep climbs with motorcycles

Postby redsonic » Thu Feb 23, 2017 12:57 pm

I too ride a motorbike, and I think hillsrider has a point. If a motorbike has approached slowly from behind in the manner he describes, ffs move over and let them pass. They can leave you a metre and be on their way. Stopping and starting a moto on a steep, rutted, off camber slope is no fun on a heavy bike. Yes, it is the bike rider's problem, but I can't see how it could be a problem for the cyclists to give some room here.
And yes, Thoglette, I wonder how 5km comes into it too.

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Re: Crests on steep climbs with motorcycles

Postby battler2 » Thu Feb 23, 2017 1:04 pm

i like this thread because its so funny. a motorcyclist that has a specific gear ratio setup to drive fast more often than not, coming here to 'advise' (1 post, new member) about something that he probably rarely encounters.

i like it when he mentions
some of you, will look back at me and then spread out to the middle of the road occupying all of the lane
suggesting that its done on purpose. would love to see some evidence of this, because i doubt this really occurs, or much at all. maybe it happened once, and the motorcyclist/cyclist has come on here to claim it is a regular thing that impacts their rides.

on top of all the other exaggerations, eg. 'Some of you guys have groups of up to 5km long or more'

TBH there arent many steep sections in the adelaide foothills that i can recall. maybe one small section from top of greenhill road to lofty summit, start of greenhill road, steep bit at the end of new norton summit road. all which are very short steep bits where you can clearly see on the approach and possibly just take your hand off the throttle and just slow down a bit. then by the time you reach the bunched group, they will have already passed the crest.

even riding two abreast, there is always room for a motorcycle. sure, three abreast happens with arrogant groups, but its not the norm. i cant recall ever even seeing that in the hills.

i suppose i wont mention the number of hooning motorcyclists ive encountered in the hills with dangerous overtaking/aggressive driving.

maybe i should go on netrider and warn motorcyclists of this kind of behaviour as well. with logic and a well presented argument. i'm sure that will go down well.

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Re: Crests on steep climbs with motorcycles

Postby MichaelB » Thu Feb 23, 2017 1:36 pm

1st world problem.

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Re: Crests on steep climbs with motorcycles

Postby trailgumby » Thu Feb 23, 2017 8:47 pm

I'd suggest to the OP that if groups of riders are indeed doing as he claims, it is because they judge that his passing them there, in that exact location, is unsafe and dangerous to them, if not the motorcycle rider.

Please respect their judgement.

It is certainly something I would do to send a message "Not now. Wait a few seconds please."

Then, when it is safe to do so, I'll be the first to get out of the way. I do this quite frequently on the way to McCarrs Creek Road from Church Point on the crests of the rolling climbs, as do most of the others I am with.

The have been a number of occasions that the driver approaching from behind has thanked me for waving to them to abort the overtake attempt over the crest. I appreciate the sentiment, but wonder why they would ever think it was a good idea.
Last edited by trailgumby on Thu Feb 23, 2017 8:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Crests on steep climbs with motorcycles

Postby TheWall » Thu Feb 23, 2017 8:49 pm

I think Hillsrider is fishing. Don't take the bait.

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Re: Crests on steep climbs with motorcycles

Postby hillsrider99 » Thu Feb 23, 2017 9:59 pm

Thanks for the honest replies. This post is just a bit of awareness, that's all. I'm not trying to cause animosity.

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Re: Crests on steep climbs with motorcycles

Postby Derny Driver » Thu Feb 23, 2017 10:20 pm

Fishing or not, I see his point. Even my scooter wont do less than 20kph up a steep hill without riding the clutch. When I accompany my son and brother up the local climbs, I have to keep going ahead and stopping. I cant go at 15kph.
My modus operandi up a hill is to sit out a bit from the white line until the car sees me and slows, then I move left on to the white line and let them past. No one wants a car or a motorbike screaming by up a hill. But its also not hard to be courteous, especially when you are doing 8kph or something.

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Re: Crests on steep climbs with motorcycles

Postby Biffidus » Sat Feb 25, 2017 12:37 am

I used to motorcycle through the Adelaide hills and I've seen the behaviour he describes. It's rude and unnecessary. Plenty of room to let a bike go past when a car wouldn't fit. Motorcyclists are more likely to be sympathetic to another vulnerable road user too in my experience.

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