But something is happening with Cycliq... their latest newsletter was titled "••••• Now We Have Your Attention 20% Off"
Are they upset that their newsletter open rates are in decline (because they are sending too many emails... and it is getting boring)? It is a pretty cheap-shot and immediately reflects on the quality and professionalism of the business.
I don't want this rubbish in my emails .... if I am among colleagues with my email application open, it is not a good look. In my view, it is NOT an issue of being 'too conservative'... rather it is about expecting /wanting to receive this type of content from a business selling an electronic cycling product. Other cycling brands are clever enough stick to innuendo or keep it subtle.
A followup came four hours later... an apology from
It has been acknowledged... but was it a genuine error? Someone typed the subject line and thought it was a good idea at the time. The content of the original email made further references. My assumption is that first when they realised it was not a smart move they went into damage-control.KEEP IDIOTS OFF THE... EMAIL.
A quick note to our community that we accidentally and mistakenly sent out our weekly email with an unfortunate subject line.
We apologise for any offence that we may have caused.
We’ll get back to keeping idiots off the road (and from writing our email subject lines!).
What do you think, is this type of thing a one-off mistake or does it reflect a larger issues?