I am currently waiting on the on the serial number to be sent to me so I can make a police report, but I've had zero luck with them in the past. There's almost no point in filing one but whatever.
The garage has a roller door which backs out onto a street/alleyway and last night while taking the bins out, I maybe have accidentally and not knowingly not closed the door properly.
Either that or the door didn't go all the way down (sometimes it doesn't and needs to be closed twice).
Regardless, it's my fault for not double checking and seeing as we recently moved in, I didn't sort out home contents insurance.
Red flags everywhere. I know.
So unfortunately someone decided the get into my garage and help themselves to my bike.
I did the rounds of bike shops earlier today, police report tomorrow and will be driving around the neighborhood later to see if I can spot anyone riding it.
Bike stands out like dogs balls so will be easy to spot but it's probably in a different state now.
Beyond pissed off and would break legs.