women cycletouring

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women cycletouring

Postby bumblebea » Sat Feb 23, 2013 8:58 pm


i am planning my first cycle tour starting June-ish 2013, going from cairns to hobart. i was wondering if any of you cycle touring women have got any advice or tips for a solo female cycle tourist - (or even any new cycle tourist?)

i realise i am going the wrong way for headwinds... :(



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Re: women cycletouring

Postby Dizz » Sat Mar 02, 2013 12:23 pm

Hi Bumblebea

Over the last 40 years I’ve done numerous long distance tours such as Sydney to Airlie beach, so I can tell you that Cairns to Hobart is no small task.

At the moment I’m just rebuilding and extending my Zone 2 Base; I’m 7 weeks in and out to 160k/6.5hrs carb free. If everything continues on schedule I will be fully Bonk Proof out to 10 hours by the end of this month (March).

Anyway, the point is do you really want to do this trip solo?

Personally, I would never bother touring such a distance alone. As a woman it’s not that I think that it is particularly unsafe but there are so many unexpected things that can happen regardless of gender. Having a riding companion is just the best form of insurance you can have when the unexpected occurs. Regardless, you can seriously go kind of “metal” when you are doing long K’s day after day on your own and the smallest things can start to weigh you down.

Depending on what type of tour it will be I might consider doing it with you. Personally, I have only ever done “Lightweight or Credit Card Tours” where you ride a traditional road bike, carry the barest essentials, do 300 to 400k per day and purchase everything else you require.

If you’re going “Ultralight” where you are self-sufficient but carry only the bare essentials and no frills, then this might just be doable with the equipment I currently have. On the other hand if you are going “Fully Loaded” I don’t have the right equipment and it’s not really my thing anyway.

Conversely, if your hearts set on solo then; good luck and may favourable winds speed your journey. But in any event it would be great to hear more details of your tour; what type, how many K’s per day, what routes, etc.

Cheers, Dizz :D

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Re: women cycletouring

Postby bumblebea » Mon Mar 04, 2013 9:14 am

thank you Dizz,

that is a good question. i think so, but having never cycletoured before perhaps i won't want to do it alone when i get started! i guess part of it is the challenge of being self sufficient - mentally as well as practically.

i do have a cycle partner for the beginning of the tour (which is nice as he is an experienced cycle tourist) but maybe i will consider advertising for ride buddies along the way to get a bit of both worlds and stop me from going mad. it is a fully loaded tour to include camping and minimal motel luxury as i am leaving work to do it and won't have an income. i am allowing myself around six months although i know it will probably take around three or four - depending on what comes up along the way. i definitely won't be doing 300-400km a day!!! (is that even possible?) More like 50-120km will keep me happy - any more than that and i think i will get quite grumpy.

the reason I chose this route (coastal, then coming inland north of brisbane and back out south of sydney - through toowoomba and armidale) is that i am moving to hobart, and i thought 'why not ride it'?

thanks for your good advice!


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Re: women cycletouring

Postby Dizz » Mon Mar 04, 2013 1:13 pm

bumblebea wrote:... i do have a cycle partner for the beginning of the tour ...
I’m quite relived to hear that, I had the impression that you were going all solo.

As for the “metal” thing I wouldn’t worry about it as it’s not something that’s going to affect someone that is cycling at a casual pace; it only really happens when you’re “Credit Card Touring” solo and doing 10-14hr days in the saddle.

bumblebea wrote:... 300-400km a day!!! (is that even possible?) ...
Yes! But that’s a form of madness all own its own. :lol: :lol: :lol:
The major difficulty is finding at least two other cyclist with the same “defect” as myself and coordinating the time off.

bumblebea wrote:... it is a fully loaded tour to include camping and minimal motel luxury as i am leaving work to do it and won't have an income. i am allowing myself around six months although i know it will probably take around three or four - depending on what comes up along the way. ...
While “Fully Loaded” is definitely not my thing, it sounds like it will be a wonderful adventure. If you haven’t already you should check out the “Cycle Touring” section of this forum. There are some really nice lads their and I’m sure that they would have plenty of useful advice.

Anyway, good luck with the trip and the move to Hobart.

Dizz :)

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Re: women cycletouring

Postby bumblebea » Tue Mar 05, 2013 6:55 pm

hi Dizz,

I would say it is a form of complete insanity. But thank you for your advice and well wishes!

: )

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