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Re: Yarra Boulevard - tacks - 6.3.14
Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2016 7:40 pm
by chriso_29er
Because Gumtree
Re: Yarra Boulevard - tacks - 6.3.14
Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2016 1:41 pm
by Calvin27
jules21 wrote:
why would someone who, or whose parents can afford a Golf GTi need to steal 2 cheap pumps when he doesn't ride? and get up before 5am? I don't think it was opportunistic.
Agree police wouldn't just release footage 6 months after unless they had some really good evidence. Unless he stole their donuts or something.
Re: Yarra Boulevard - tacks - 6.3.14
Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 3:17 pm
by slidetaker
I think he is dressed (or not dressed) too causal to be a tack thrower. His actions and movements show hesitations.
Re: Yarra Boulevard - tacks - 6.3.14
Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2016 1:02 pm
by Ivanerrol
Got whacked by a tack this morning on Yarra Boulevard.
Either it's an old residual tack or the man is at it again.
Rode down Yarra bend from Heidelberg road, past Fairlea, across the suspension bridge at the Studley Park boathouse, up the hill to Studley Park road and then down Yarra Boulevard to the Gipps Street bridge.
Just made it into Gipps street when the tyre went flat.
Lucky had the spare tube along.
While replacing the tube a young fella came along to share commiserations.
He told me he had just started cycling again. On his third ride out did Port Melbourne to Mornington and back.
The ride back nearly killed him - down for three days.
Re: Yarra Boulevard - tacks - 6.3.14
Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2017 4:01 pm
by rkelsen
3 years and they still haven't caught this a--hole?
Re: Yarra Boulevard - tacks - 6.3.14
Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2017 6:04 pm
by BJL
rkelsen wrote:3 years and they still haven't caught this a--hole?
It's going to be nigh on impossible to catch someone dropping tacks on to the road. And even if they do catch someone dropping tacks and they're found guilty, they'll only ever be convicted of a single offence since all they have to do is deny any involvement in any other tack droppings.
What's the penalty for dropping tacks onto a road on a single occasion? Probably a small fine and a stern talking to from the judge about what a naughty citizen they've been and not to do it again.
Re: Yarra Boulevard - tacks - 6.3.14
Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2017 9:43 pm
by warthog1
BJL wrote:
What's the penalty for dropping tacks onto a road on a single occasion? Probably a small fine and a stern talking to from the judge about what a naughty citizen they've been and not to do it again.
However. When he is caught his name will be released. When his name is known it is a relatively simple process to find his place of residence. I'm tipping his place of residence may suffer a bit of payback due to the accumulated frustrations he has caused
Re: Yarra Boulevard - tacks - 6.3.14
Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2017 10:27 am
by BJL
warthog1 wrote:BJL wrote:
What's the penalty for dropping tacks onto a road on a single occasion? Probably a small fine and a stern talking to from the judge about what a naughty citizen they've been and not to do it again.
However. When he is caught his name will be released. When his name is known it is a relatively simple process to find his place of residence. I'm tipping his place of residence may suffer a bit of payback due to the accumulated frustrations he has caused
I doubt it. If the person is ever caught, I reckon it will be kept very quiet for exactly the reasons you've mentioned. The tackings will just stop one day and we'll be left wondering what happened until it has been forgotten about in a few years.
Re: Yarra Boulevard - tacks - 6.3.14
Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2017 10:31 am
by warthog1
Hopefully not. It would be nice for that malicious b@ stard to understand action and consequence.
Re: Yarra Boulevard - tacks - 6.3.14
Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2017 12:55 pm
by antigee
would have thought it appropriate for council/vicroads to pursue a civil case to recover the clean up costs if an individual is identified...if its a local resident they could say goodbye to quite a nice property courtesy of the courts rather than vigilante action
Re: Yarra Boulevard - tacks - 6.3.14
Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 8:56 pm
by Bunged Knee
On Channel Ten, The Project had aired this story of "Catching the Tackman" tonight from tenplay. Can`t embed it. ... he-tackman
Haven`t caught the person for 3 years. And it costs $400 a day to sweep the road for tacks.
ps, this video will expires in 3 months.
Re: Yarra Boulevard - tacks - 6.3.14
Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2017 8:49 pm
by fat and old
As posted back in Nov 2015, after reading the article
fat and old wrote:As for bill.....I'm aware of what they use, and can make a fair estimate of cost. If it is in fact $1 mill, then hook me up! I'll save them 30-50% and make a motza anyway!
Now the claim according to the project is 250k.....almost 18 months later., you have no credibility.
I didn't know old George had got an e-mail. I cannot believe ss standish can't have that traced? Lot of paranoia on the Facebook group. Maybe warranted
Re: Yarra Boulevard - tacks - 6.3.14
Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2017 6:28 am
by defy1
I ride there a lot still, avoid the shoulder and its fine. No punctures for a while now. *touch wood*
Re: Yarra Boulevard - tacks - 6.3.14
Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2017 1:46 pm
by antigee
article in the Progress Leader following a community meeting about concerns with late night hoon driving on Kew Boulevard includes some stat's
12,000 tacks and 400odd staples recovered during twice weekly sweeps over the last year at a cost of $124,000
Vicroads reported as stating "we'll be installing speed humps at key locations as well as raised pavement markers in the centre of the road" also money is being found to put CCTV on the Eastlink bridge - presumably because antisocial driving above could be a potential danger to those motorists on Eastlink below - ok only one location but CCTV was ruled out for tacking which irks a bit
think there is no pay wall 14/12 edition a few pages in with headline "taking aim at reckless drivers"
Re: Yarra Boulevard - tacks - 6.3.14
Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2017 2:34 pm
by fat and old
antigee wrote:
12,000 tacks and 400odd staples recovered during twice weekly sweeps over the last year at a cost of $124,000
That's 104 visits. $1,192 plus change per visit.
Rubbish. I call massive BS there.
Re: Yarra Boulevard - tacks - 6.3.14
Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2017 10:44 pm
by antigee
fat and old wrote:antigee wrote:
12,000 tacks and 400odd staples recovered during twice weekly sweeps over the last year at a cost of $124,000
That's 104 visits. $1,192 plus change per visit.
Rubbish. I call massive BS there.
maybe misread the article possibly the $124,000 includes other Vicroads maintenance activity on Kew Boulevard....somewhere further up in this post there is a reported cost of $400 per visit for sweeping - guess depends how long each visit is and not falling into the just including the drivers wages as the sole cost argument
Re: Yarra Boulevard - tacks - 6.3.14
Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2018 1:33 pm
by nemo57
Picked up my first Boulevard tack this past Tuesday. Does that make me a real cyclist at last, now that I've joined the hated, and despite my woeful lack of form, pace and determination?
Re: Yarra Boulevard - tacks - 6.3.14
Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2018 4:17 pm
by fat and old
rkelsen wrote:3 years and they still haven't caught this a--hole?
4 years now.
Re: Yarra Boulevard - tacks - 6.3.14
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 11:07 am
by Cyclophiliac
The recent mention in another thread of wires being strung across a path reminded me of this thread. There's even a Wikipedia article on this:
All these years, and nobody was ever caught.