Welcome to the helmet thread. All discussion relating to the use (mandatory or otherwise) of helmets belongs here. All other new MHL (or similar) threads will be closed and a link given redirecting members to this thread. Existing threads will eventually be redirected to here if they continue to get traffic.
If you feel your discussion warrants a seperate topic, please PM AU bicycles or a Moderator with details prior to posting your thread, or it will be locked. Obvious exceptions are in the Marketplace or Bike & Gear Review sections.
Standard forum guidelines apply in this thread, no flaming, no personal attacks etc etc. If you havent read the guidelines or need a refresher, you can find them here. If you feel a post has breached the guidelines, please do not respond as this is where flaming often begins. Instead, click on the report post
Note: Given how heated helmet threads have become in the past, breaches of the guidelines in this thread will be given very little tolerance. Please think before you post.
Edit: Also see Forum Announcement here