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Great Vic Bike Ride on a recumbent trike

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2014 5:56 pm
by burnt
A bit of a travelogue on my recent ride can be found here; ... e=activity

Re: Great Vic Bike Ride on a recumbent trike

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2014 6:36 pm
by petie
Totally off-topic, but the ATR700 that Virgin run on that leg is great huh? Pity it's range means it's not utilised much in this big country.

Very interesting to hear your perspective of the dynamic route planning. I was entertaining doing this ride, but thought better of it. Sounds like, despite it being a well established ride, the organisation leaves a lot to be desired. Understandably that particular situation was a "worst-case" but pushing everyone onto the rail trail reflects the general perception of cyclists rights on the road in this country unfortunately (i.e. none :roll: ).

Thanks for the link!

Re: Great Vic Bike Ride on a recumbent trike

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2014 10:44 pm
by John Lewis
Off to read it now Terry. Thanks for posting your link.
We did one on trikes quite a few years back and had great fun.
How do you think the Mango would go on one?
Too much of a logistical problem in reality I guess.