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CX Tracks in Adelaide ?

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2018 12:12 pm
by MichaelB
Well, I'm in the process of reviewing a Reid Granite 3.0 for BNA and have done a bit of the general road/commute stuff, so thought it was time to try some of the CX type stuff using the supplied Conti CX Race tyres (35c) and get dirty.

Inspired by this route to Mt Lofty & back, I had organised to try it with some mates on the weekend. To make sure I didn't miss turns and have a bit of a try before then, I set off from work and had a go.

:( Didn't get far up the track (as I'm not a premium Strava member, I had to remake the course using RWGPS and transfer it to the Garmin (that worked), but the gradient trace was way off. What RWGPS said was a max of 10.5% was closer to 28%.

50/34 & 11-32 gearing was not capable, let alone me.

Hence, the call is out if anyone knows of any 'saner' tracks that I could give the bike a berl on ?

Needs to ideally be within riding distance from the city centre.


Re: CX Tracks in Adelaide ?

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2018 12:29 pm
by find_bruce
[Mod says]Assuming I have done this correctly, there should now be a "shadow topic" in the cyclocross forum that redirects to this topic so that your message reaches those that are interested, but there is only one thread to reply to.[/Mod]

Re: CX Tracks in Adelaide ?

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2018 1:16 pm
by MichaelB
Ah, thanks. Wasn't sure how to do it :wink:

EDIT : Well look at that, it works :mrgreen: